League of Women Voters Charlotte County Florida
League of Women Voters of Charlotte County Florida

Advocating for issues, not parties

The League of Women Voters is a national nonpartisan political group encouraging informed, active participation in government and elections. We study and report on major public policy issues. Membership is open to men and women of all ages.The Charlotte County (Florida) chapter is one of 800 affiliates of the national LWV.
Your participation makes a difference! Through regular "Capitol Reports." During the Florida Legislative session, we are alerted to actions needed on League legislative issues. "Action Alerts" to our members help you focus energies on our legislative goals.
In addition to regular League meetings, we lead local activities that include speaker events, voter education and engagement strategies, tours of local institutions, lobbying activities, and social mixers to meet like-minded people who enjoy civic affairs.
Why our local League exists
Members of our chapter of the League of Women Voters defend democracy by helping all eligible voters to register, obtain knowledge about voters' issues and candidates, and have open access to the polls. 

Current officers for 2024-2025

This could be you!
President: MaryLou Proudfoot Kennedy
Vice President: Jane Merriam
Secretary: Kathleen Davey
Treasurer: Karen Noonan

Become a member, or renew now!

Start your 1-year membership at any time, with a new pro-rated dues schedule. Regular annual dues are $68 for individuals, and $88 for a 2-member household. Your membership dues help us do continuing education, both among ourselves and for the voters in Charlotte County. The major portion of your annual dues supports the state and national Leagues, who lobby for good government at the state and federal level, and provide us all with a direct voice to elected leadership.

Dates of Interest
Chaapter meeting at 11 am Wednesday, February 19
  Our next scheduled meeting of the Charlotte County Chapter of LWV is set for the third Wednesday, February 19, 2025, at 11 am.   It is important to RSVP so we can assure sufficient places at the table and waitstaff.  It would also be helpful to know if you will ...